How to attend

The workshop will be held on Zoom, and it will use Miro as a way to engage with the audience.

If you are a participant, you should have received the Zoom link via email. If not, please write an email to Andrea Mauri (

Program at glance

Time (CEST) Activity
2:00 PM Welcome: introduction of the organizers, participants, workshop objectives and schedule
2:15 PM Interactive Activity: ice-breaker and introductory brainstorming
3:00 PM Paper Presentation participants present their papers, followed by a moderated discussion session.
4:00 PM Short Break
4:30 PM Keynote “What’s A Healthy Workplace? The Future of Crowd Work Through the Lens of Empathy” by Ujwal Gadiraju
5:30 PM Food break
7:00 PM Interactive Activity: a game of Dixit!
7:45 PM Panel “The role of technology in empowering or hindering empathy in design processes”
8:45 PM Short Break
9:00 PM Interactive Activity: reflection
9:45 PM Wrap Up: summarize the workshop, actions on follow-up activities, and take group photos.
- (Virtual) Drinks and networking


The role of technology in empowering or hindering empathy in design processes


Froukje Sleeswijk Visser is Associate Professor Service Design at Delft University of Technology. Her research focuses on integration of human perspectives in formulation, development and implementation of public services. She developed the methodology contextmapping where users are experts of their experiences and in that role contribute to codesign processes. Froukje is also an independent design researcher (Contextqueen).


Sara Colombo is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial Design, TU Eindhoven (Netherlands). Her work explores new approaches, processes, and tools to design solutions enabled by machine learning and AI, with a focus on their ethical implications for individuals and society. She is passionate about using technology for social good. In 2020, she co-founded and directed the global initiative Design for Emergency, which leveraged digital technologies and AI to collectively design for social wellbeing in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Stina Matthiesen is an assistant professor in CSCW and Health Informatics at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. She is inspired by critical studies on race, technology and datafication and has previously explored how stereotypes and implicit biases manifest themselves in the everyday practices of global software development (GSD). Currently, her research focuses on how emergent data-driven technologies can support the clinical work and patient-clinician interaction in cardiac care, as well as how these future technologies may affect the emotional labor of chronic patients.

Aneesha Singh is a Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction at the UCL Interaction Centre. She is interested in the design, adoption and use of personal health and wellbeing technologies in everyday contexts, focusing on sensitive and stigmatized conditions. Her research areas include digital health, ubiquitous computing, multi-sensory feedback and wearable technology. She has previously worked in industry in various roles as a software consultant, and as a technical journalist.

Carine Lallemand is Assistant Professor in the Systemic Change cluster at the Industrial Design department. She has a background in Psychology, Human-Computer Interaction, and Experience Design. Her research interests are mainly focused on the development, adaptation and validation of user experience design and evaluation methods. Particular application areas are office vitality, urban environments, exercising motivation, and personal health. To question the status quo, Carine enjoys exploring alternative ways of designing, for instance through critical and speculative design, the aesthetics of friction, or slow technology


What’s A Healthy Workplace? The Future of Crowd Work Through the Lens of Empathy

Ujwal Gadiraju is an Assistant Professor the Web Information Systems group of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS/EWI), Delft University of Technology and a Director of the Delft AI “Design@Scale” Lab. Ujwal’s goal is to create novel methods, interfaces, systems, and tools to overcome existing challenges on our path towards building better AI systems and facilitating better reliance of humans on AI systems!