
Andrea Mauri is a PostDoc at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft (Netherlands), and Research Fellow at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. He is interested in the design, implementation, and evaluation of novel computational methods and tools - focusing on hybrid human-AI methodologies - to support the design processes addressing societal problems by integrating human and societal needs and values.

Yen-Chia Hsu is an Assistant Professor in the Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam (previously PostDoc in TU Delft). He studies methods to co-design, implement, deploy, and evaluate interactive AI systems that empower communities. He applies crowdsourcing, data visualization, machine learning, computer vision, and data science to engage and assist communities in addressing local environmental and social concerns.

Marco Brambilla is a full professor at Politecnico di Milano. He manages several research and industrial innovation projects. His research interests include data science, software modeling languages, crowdsourcing, social media monitoring, data-driven innovation, and big data analysis. He is the main author of the OMG standard IFML. He is associate editor of the journals: Web Engineering, Digital, and Advances in Human-Computer Interactions.

Ting-Hao `Kenneth' Huang is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the College of Information Sciences and Technology of the Pennsylvania State University. His research lies in the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction, imagining new possibilities of human-AI collaborations. Dr. Huang explores the creative and complex domains, such as open conversation, writing support, and automatic storytelling, which seem exceptionally challenging to automate. His work aims to move automation beyond low-level, mundane tasks to augment human creativity and sociability.

Aisling Ann O'Kane is s a Senior Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction for Health at the University of Bristol and is Deputy Director of the EPSRC CDT in Digital Health and Care. She has over ten years of experience studying the real world use of health and care technologies outside of clinical settings.

Himanshu Verma is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Design and Engineering at TU Delft (Netherlands). He has a background in HCI, UbiComp and Social Cognition. He is interested in examining collaboration at scale, and his current research is focused on sensing and modeling of interpersonal collaborative processes and how they can be better supported through wearables. In addition, he is also interested in studying the perceptual, cognitive and experiential aspects of human-AI collaboration

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