Empathy-Centric Design At Scale!

The list of accepted papers is out! Check it out here.

Registration are open! Click here for the instructions.

Welcome to the website for the CHI2022 workshop EmpathiCH!

We aims to bring together different scholars—including computer scientists, social scientists, designers, psychologists, policy-makers, and practitioners from other disciplines—to share their knowledge, experience, and ideas about working with empathy for large-scale societal impact.

The motivation behind this works lies in the necessity of new digital-supported methodologies to design at-scale solutions to societal problems that are balanced, inclusive, and aware of their effect on society.

We aim to investigate how new technologies can support the design with and for empathy in the following cases:

Format of the workshop

This full-day virtual-only workshop includes participants’ presentations, an inspiring keynote talk, and a panel of experts.

In addition, this workshop will be a living experiment, where all the interactions between the participant will be recorded (e.g., talks, questions, comments), annotated, combined with sensor data from wearable devices, and made public for everyone to access.

Stimulated by this discussion, the expertise, and experiences of the participants will be combined during a participatory session to shape the future of the “Empathy Design at Scale” research agenda

Important Dates