While empathy has been proven effective in forming relationships between designers and users, it remains an open question about integrating empathy at a large scale in the design process with multiple stakeholders having diverse (even contradicting) perspectives.

In this one-day interactive workshop, we will formulate and develop a set of future challenges and strategies for the Empathy-Centric Design at Scale research agenda.

We will investigate the role of empathy and the supporting technologies in the design process at scale.

We invite 4-6 page submissions that include position, work-in-progress, provocation, demo, or poster papers in the SIGCHI Full paper format addressing questions such as (but not limited to):

We aim to assemble a multidisciplinary professional network that involves people in HCI, AI, social science, design, psychology, and health from universities, companies, non-profit organizations, and government sectors.

Submissions should be submitted via Easychair (link) and will be selected based on novelty, provocativeness, quality, and relevance to the workshop.

Please direct queries to Andrea Mauri (a.mauri@tudelft.nl).

At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop, and all participants must register for the workshop for at least one day of the conference.

Sumbission format

Important Dates